Opening Radical Software
Women, Art & Computing 1960–1991
19.09 | 19:00 – 21:30 | Free entry
Xanti Schawinsky + Monster Chetwynd
Xanti Schawinsky: Play, Life, Illusion — a Retrospective + Monster Chetwynd: Xanti Shenanigans
The first retrospective dedicated to the Swiss American artist outside his native country.
Agnieszka Kurant
Risk Landscape
An exploration of artificial intelligence, as well as digital and biological worlds.
Time capsule
Participate in Agnes Denes‘ project of burying a time capsule in the Park Dräi Eechelen.
Luxembourg Pavilion in Venice
Andrea Mancini & Every Island. A Comparative Dialogue Act
The Pavilion presents artists that relinquish ego in favour of collective creativity.
Order online
Secure your copy of the book published for the Luxembourg Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.
The power of words
Get your limited edition t-shirt by artist Hanne Lippard, now at the Mudam Store.
Combining Lebanese food with social cohesion, Chiche! boosts inclusion in Luxembourg.